Something changes, it always does. Courtesy, interest, desire. All fade, shifting and morphing like metal in the rain until the twisted scrap remaining is nothing but a sick reflection of inner demons and outside pressures. Ray wiped the specks of water from his glasses as he walked inside from the storm. He liked rainy days, it gave him an excuse for the wrinkles in his clothes and his disheveled appearance. Anything that shortened social interactions Ray was on board for. Swiftly and quietly he sure-footedly made his way to his cube and slunk into his chair. The bad wheel in the back gave way a little allowing Ray an exaggerated lean for an office space.

Booting up his work computer Ray was happy to have some monotonous Monday data entry to do and nothing that would challenge him socially or intellectually. Loading some spreadsheet software Ray scrolled through his task from top to bottom and back again. Cracking his neck he began, his eyes scanning:

Name - John Smith… check

Client ID - 25553… check

Good Standing?

Here comes the exhilarating part, if an amount was due in their database he would put a “0”. and if the client was paid and clear then he would type a “1”. Once the pattern was in a flow Ray’s mind drifted further and further away. He started gradually. He envisioned how they could teach this job to a monkey. A Pavlov’s dog series of reward and punishment for their correct replication of the simple formula.

Amount due, monkey types zero and a man in lab coat comes to gently pat the head of the monkey and hand her or him a treat of some kind.

Amount due, monkey types one. Bad monkey, no treat for you, or if you’re dealing with slightly sadistic scientist they may give the monkey a nasty flavored treat. A few rounds like that and the little monkey would be ready for the workplace.