In the Mouth of Madness
John Carpenter
It's a real tour de force of confusing and convoluted storytelling, complete with bizarre plot twists and surreal imagery that will leave you scratching your head in disbelief - or maybe just scratching your head in general. But hey, at least it's got Sam Neill in it, right?
Guess the perspective of the following positive and negative comments provided by AI.
Answer at bottom!
+ I found "In the Mouth of Madness" to be a thought-provoking exploration of the nature of reality and the human psyche, featuring masterful storytelling and intricate use of symbolism and metafictional elements.
- Despite its interesting themes and technical aspects, "In the Mouth of Madness" ultimately fell short for me due to its convoluted and often confusing plot structure, which detracted from the overall cohesiveness and impact of the film.
Now some haikus and midjourney art…
Wonderful title
And have you read Sutter Kane
It will change your life
I’m a character
Your living in a novel
Who is writing it
This starts in a group
Apocalypse trilogy
We all die alone
Reality thread
Taut stressed and teased with a shear
Not so simple snip
You can’t trust yourself
Sense incomprehensible
The King in Yellow
All hail the old ones
Words are a cheap sense filter
That’s cosmic horror

Nine Points of View
The Optimist
I love movies that question the reality of the main characters.
The Mystic
Who is writing your story?
The Hyperbolist
Greatest crab walk ever!
The Dualist
Good movie, this one sticks with you like a splinter in the mind.
The Trickster
The Insurance Fraud Investigator in Yellow.
The Skeptic
At what point does one accept insanity and just laugh? Oh right, at the end.
The Rationalist
If I hit someone with my car then I would let my passenger take the next leg.
The Empath
No animals harmed, in fact they get some justice in this one.
The Overthinker
When you write your own story there are no rules.
Estimated Budget - $8,000,000
Estimated Box Office: $8,900,000
The RATIO: 1.11
And the perspective above was…
Analytics Professor