
John McTiernan


A heartwarming tale about a group of military men bonding with an extraterrestrial creature over their shared love of hunting and killing.

Guess the perspective of the following positive and negative comments provided by AI.

Answer at bottom!

+ Oh my gosh, this movie was so intense and thrilling, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!

- The movie "Predator" may have had some thrilling moments, but its predictable storyline and lack of character development left me feeling unsatisfied.

Now some haikus and midjourney art…

Friend muscle grip shake

Excessive forest gun show

He came from the mud

Most dangerous game

Head hunter shiny trophy

Big log on your head

Invisible threat

Mercenary in jungle

Soldier all fall down

Sabotage movie

Private war to survival

Begging for your life

Macho men no fear

Friends afraid to show feeling

Rough but soft inside

Problematic time

Political and culture

Predator don’t care

Nine Points of View

The Optimist

Oiled up muscle men try to solve problems with phallic objects.

The Mystic

The struggle comes to those seeking it.

The Hyperbolist

Greatest group of trained soldiers emptying mutliple clips of ammo into a jungle, leveling the brush, without seeing an enemy or questioning what they’re shooting ever!

The Dualist

Good movie, fantastic shift from typical commando-esque movie to alien escape movie.

The Trickster

Escape from The Most Dangerous Game.

The Skeptic

The jungle shooting scene. Question implied.

The Rationalist

Over the top gunfights and explosions essentially a parody and yet you can’t look away. Stick around.

The Empath

Can’t fault an alien that doesn’t hurt unarmed people.

The Overthinker

A question of the U.S. conflicts in Central America and across the world with an invisible enemy and violence for the sake of proving who is most “alpha”.

Estimated Budget - $15,000,000

Estimated Box Office: $98,300,000

The RATIO: 6.55




And the perspective above was…

Anxious Student

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