Paul Verhoeven
In a dystopian future, a corporate-controlled police force in Detroit introduces their new law enforcement weapon: a cyborg cop who discovers that even with superhuman strength, he cannot escape the bonds of bureaucracy, corruption, and senseless violence that plague the city.
Guess the perspective of the following positive and negative comments provided by AI.
Answer at bottom!
+ This movie is totally radical, man! It's like, a commentary on like, society, and like, corporations and stuff, and the action is like, totally intense!
- This movie is like, a totally violent and fascist depiction of the future, man, where corporations control everything and the police are just tools for the ruling class, it's like totally depressing, man.
Now some haikus and midjourney art…
Detroit crime city
The corporatization
Machine replace man
Cut off my own thumb
Homemade grenade detonate
Mars on a vacay
Murphy die replaced
Eighties sleaze and yuppie scum
Eye on number one
A future Detroit
Worship a cutthroat culture
Question who profits
You have seen trauma
Seek a crisis counselor
Now have a good day
So much blood and guts
Extreme violence glorified
Subversion ignored
Nine Points of View
The Optimist
Titans of industry guide corporations for the benefit of public safety.
The Mystic
If you slowly replace human parts, at what point is the humanity lost?
The Hyperbolist
Greatest gratuitous violence ever!
The Dualist
Good movie, a favorite among our boys and girls in blue.
The Trickster
Frankenstein of the 21st century.
The Skeptic
Why are people still in this city? Why are the police so retro in this universe?
The Rationalist
Sadly close to the mark on real estate development.
The Empath
At least they have crisis centers for PTSD?
The Overthinker
Iran-Contra on a cityscape, a folktale of John Henry proportions on top of being a modern day Frankenstein.
Estimated Budget - $13,000,000
Estimated Box Office: $53,400,000
The RATIO: 4.11
And the perspective above was…
Coked Up Yippie