The Brood

David Cronenberg


A charming film about a loving mother who expresses her affection for her children through the medium of spawning grotesque, murderous offspring. A heartwarming family drama that explores the true meaning of genetic inheritance and the importance of family therapy. Truly a heartwarming tale for the whole family.

Guess the perspective of the following positive and negative comments provided by AI.

Answer at bottom!

+ "The Brood" is a thrilling and chilling horror film that will leave you on the edge of your seat, unable to look away from the terrifying events that unfold.

- "The Brood" is a creepy and unsettling film, but its slow pace and lack of action may leave some viewers disappointed.

Now some haikus and midjourney art…

Growth of inner hate

Give life to my diseased flesh

Go do my bidding

My anger growing

Belly showing my cancer

Deadly to others

Snow suited gremlins

The bludgeoning of adults

A rocky divorce

Parental guidance

The end of matriarchy

Lost without a home

Keep eye on the brood

Sulking, seething, a breakthrough


Protect the children

Know which one is yours and mine

Gas powered egg sac

Nine Points of View

The Optimist

Body horror from the master of body horror, and a great divorce story to boot.

The Mystic

Only you can stop the wheel of Karma.

The Hyperbolist

Best opening therapy scene ever!

The Dualist

Good movie, Cronenberg continues to unsettle me in the best ways possible.

The Trickster

Would love a mash-up of this movie with “Marriage Story”.

The Skeptic

Does Canada not have child protection services?

The Rationalist

Like, what is the goal of psychoplasmics? Does the therapy actually help people or is it just cool that they can have emotional hives?

The Empath

The looks of fear by Kandy lead me to believe she has been emotionally scarred from filming this movie.

The Overthinker

Yet another analogy of generational trauma, another example of children carrying forward the sins of their parents, and most of all, an extreme showcase of the dangerous physical changes our body can undergo due to anger, stress, depression, and other negative emotions.

Estimated Budget - $1,400,000

Estimated Box Office: $5,000,000

The RATIO: 3.57




And the perspective above was…

A Sidekick

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