The Thing

John Carpenter


A delightful romp through the snowy tundra of Antarctica! A group of scientists and researchers come together to play a fun game of "who's the alien" while battling a shape-shifting monster. What could go wrong? It's just a silly little movie about teamwork and trust, with absolutely no terrifying and disturbing scenes whatsoever.

Guess the perspective of the following positive and negative comments provided by AI.

Answer at bottom!

+ OMG, "The Thing" is like, totally the best horror movie ever, I was screaming the whole time and couldn't look away!

- Ugh, "The Thing" is like, soooo gross and scary, like, I can't even.

Now some haikus and midjourney art…

Antarctica trust

Alien in ice thawed out

Run test on the blood


Trust in the frozen tundra

Where draws one the line

A frozen wasteland

Men unsure of each other

Does the thing remain?

Underneath the ice

The unimaginable

Unity unbound

But what is the thing?

Is a metaphor or worse

Is maybe just us

Blistering blunder

Are you certain who is who

No, lets burn it all

Nine Points of View

The Optimist

I love movies with a heartfelt happy ending.

The Mystic

Can we even trust ourselves to know what we are inside?

The Hyperbolist

Greatest practical effects ever!

The Dualist

Good movie, sometimes production delays pay off.

The Trickster

12 angry men riding the orient express on ice.

The Skeptic

This Thing is an alien? From a flying saucer? How the hell did that Thing operate a spaceship?

The Rationalist

Burn it all to the ground.

The Empath

Humans are one thing but let’s leave the doggies out of it.

The Overthinker

A cutting metaphor for the paranoia of the Cold War, as well as the AIDS epidemic.

Estimated Budget - $15,000,000

Estimated Box Office: $19,600,000

The RATIO: 1.31




And the perspective above was…

Valley Girl

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