The Ward

John Carpenter


A riveting and groundbreaking psychological thriller that masterfully explores the depths of human psychology and mental health with its nuanced and well-developed characters, making it a must-watch for anyone who enjoys predictable plot twists and clichéd horror tropes that have been recycled a thousand times before.

Guess the perspective of the following positive and negative comments provided by AI.

Answer at bottom!

+ A haunting and suspenseful psychological thriller that skillfully delves into the depths of its characters' psyches, creating an atmospheric and captivating cinematic experience that keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

- "The Ward" may have had potential with its psychological premise, but its execution fell flat with predictable scares, lackluster character development, and a disappointingly formulaic plot.

Now some haikus and midjourney art…

I am who I am

And that is all that I am

What’s that? please ignore

Circle of last trust

Convince world to forgive us

Mental break down through

Square in the iris

Right til the crisp end, ok

It’s identity

Nurse looks up always

Like real how does she do that

A lasting impact

Still a good movie

Lower of the best not bad

Carpenter come back

Did not see the twist

Wanted a second twist tho

but i am dumb lol

Nine Points of View

The Optimist

Not a bad movie, maybe bland.

The Mystic

We’re all single points of consciousness in a great net, treat yourself right.

The Hyperbolist

Greatest way to write subpar acting into the script ever!

The Dualist


The Trickster


The Skeptic

There was the opportunity for a genuinely interesting post-ending but we got a jump scare.

The Rationalist

Wait, so the single personality trait cardboard characters were intentional because plot twist? Okay.

The Empath

The savagery of “fixing people” never gets less jarring.

The Overthinker

An inversion of the classic Carpenter Apocalypse trilogy, instead of fear of those around us breeding mistrust, “The Ward” has a definitive enemy… it seems.

Estimated Budget - $10,000,000

Estimated Box Office: $5,300,000

The RATIO: 0.53




And the perspective above was…

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