
John Carpenter


A team of vampire hunters led by James Woods has to take down a powerful master vampire while they navigate their way through a completely original and definitely not cliche plotline.

Guess the perspective of the following positive and negative comments provided by AI.

Answer at bottom!

+ John Carpenter's Vampires sure did set my blood a-pumpin' with its sultry vampire hunters, spooky atmosphere, and devilishly good storyline.

- John Carpenter's Vampires tried its darndest to be scary, but bless its little heart, it just fell flat as a pancake.

Now some haikus and midjourney art…

Crossbow stake and drag

Sunlight sunburn them vamps down

Sun god not this time

The Master is here

Gear up leather and crossbow

Damn buggers bite hard

Vampire in the night

Burst flames in the dead of day

Crosses never save

Love on your first bite

Catholic two faced retreat

Best friends hug just once

Leather clad badass

Cool clan hunts the night hunter

Pull the ripcord now

Cheap motel binge stay

Til Master comes, takes away

Say it, vampires suck

Nine Points of View

The Optimist

That girl puts up with a lot from these two goobers. What resilience!

The Mystic

Sometimes the demon you fight the most is the one you created.

The Hyperbolist

Greatest method of vampires waking up! New definition to dirt nap, would love to see them set that up.

The Dualist

Good movie, effortlessly try-hard coolness.

The Trickster

Oh Daniel Baldwin, cleanliness before godliness.

The Skeptic

For a band of vampire slayers, they don’t do a good job being prepared for retaliation.

The Rationalist

There is no better way to kill a vampire than crossbow them with an arrow attached to a truck, then drive that truck in reverse pulling the vampire into sunlight… ?

The Empath

Couldn’t make this movie today, and that’s not all a good thing.

The Overthinker

Two men desperately hiding their love for each other, killing the representation of their primal urges by command of the Catholic Church.

Estimated Budget - $20,000,000

Estimated Box Office: $20,300,000

The RATIO: 1.02




And the perspective above was…

Southern Belle

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