
Each letter in the Hebrew alphabet has a corresponding number (see post on Hebrew Letters). By adding up the letters in a word we are able to derive a number which is meaningful.

Build your own number dictionary of sorts to track which words share a number, or consult a gematria index. By comparing words that share a number we are able to make connections and gain a deeper understanding below the surface level.

Below is an example of applying Gematria to the first word from the book of Genesis: Berashith (meaning roughly “a beginning”).

Berashith is spelled with the following Hebrew letters;


To get the numerical value of the word Berashith we will add up the numerical values of the individual letters.

2 - Beth

10 - Yod

200 - Resh

1 - Aleph

300 - Shin

400 - Tav

Sum totals to 913.

What does that mean? What other words sum to 913? Check it out for yourself! Do the work!




Don’t forget. All is maybe. But this might be a funner existence.


The Hebrew Alphabet